1. Printed in phisicall paper
    • Print this .pdf file
    • Fill in with personal data: Name, ID number and number of shares and sign.
    • Leave the signed form in one of these places: A) Peluqueria Esteban in Juan Gisasola, 6.( Carretera de Elgeta.) B) Kiosko de Ibarrekruz or C) Hogar del Jubilado de Unzaga, on November 25, 26 or 27 from 18:30 to 20:00 at the information tables that will be there.
  2. Online Delegation through the S.D. Eibar Telematic Voting System (only from November 20 to 24)
    • Click here. If you don’t know your ID and PIN, request them by email to accionistas@sdeibar.com, if possible before November 20th.
    • When requesting on the web “Representative Code” enter: VJPDtn
  3. Digital Sign
    • Download this .pdf
    • Fill in with personal data: Name. Card ID and quantity of shares and sign digitally.
    • Send the digitally signed .pdf file to accionistas@sdeibar.com and include in copy info@betieibar.eus.